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澳洲辣模莫里斯(Kirralee Morris)5日上午上傳全裸開車照,原因是和男友打賭輸了,於是僅戴球帽、穿球鞋,並且拿著飲料擋住下體。儘管雙方都上傳又刪除照片,但是已經被網友備份。

照片中,莫里斯除了球帽和球鞋之外,僅用一杯飲料遮住下體,右腳抬起、左手微握方向盤,胸旁的刺青也清晰可見。首先上傳的男友班克斯(Jeremy Banks)表示,一連輸了乒乓球、游泳和保齡球,代價就是當一天裸體司機。不過,照片都已刪除。

莫里斯的辣照不意外地吸引許多「簡單男人」,大呼想當妳的安全帶。她也曾參加約會實境秀節目「鑽石求千金(The Bachelor)」,去年也大方承認C罩杯是假奶,但這讓她更有自信。不過,除了欣賞好身材的網友之外,不少人也質疑她只是想紅,沒本事只靠裸露。

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MILITARY HOUSING: DPP lawmakers say that more than half the residents of dormitories for single veterans do not qualify for such accommodations

By Chen Wei-han / Staff reporter

More than half of the military dormitories reserved for single retirees have been illegally occupied by non-military personnel, a misuse of government assets worth NT$12.3 billion (US$398.7 million), Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers said yesterday.

The Ministry of National Defense has 60,000 ping (19.8 hectares) in 41 dormitory complexes nationwide for retired single military personnel, but more than half of the residents do not qualify for the housing, DPP Legislator Wang Ding-yu (王定宇) told a news conference in Taipei.

There are 2,318 people living in the dormitories, 1,143 of whom are veterans.

The other 1,175 are soldiers’ spouses or relatives, including 1,035 Chinese citizens, 537 of whom are spouses of veterans and the rest are widows of veterans who used to live in the dormitories, the lawmakers said.

Only single veterans who have no immediate family qualify for the accommodation. According to the residency regulations, people are expected to vacate the dormitories if they marry.

However, many people have continued to live in the dormitories well after the death of their spouse, with relatives of some people also moving in.

Residents are exempt from paying rent or utility bills. The average monthly electricity bill per unit is NT$2,800, more than 10 times higher than the national average of NT$278. The average monthly water bill per unit is NT$532, well above the national average of NT$83.3.

Some residents have sublet units or converted them into stores, Wang said.

“The ministry has done little to address the illegal occupation of single dormitories by married personnel and their relatives since it was exposed in May last year, but the public has to pay for the mismanagement,” Wang said.

“The government should continue to support senior military retirees, but it must remove unqualified people from the dormitories and stop the use of the housing for commercial purposes,” DPP Legislator Tsai Shih-ying (蔡適應) said.

The ministry issued a public notice requesting unqualified people to move out instead of enforcing the regulations, Tsai said.

Many of the dormitories are in prime locations, and the government should also include those units in urban renewal projects, DPP Legislator Lo Chih-cheng (羅致政) said.

Premier Lin Chuan (林全) said the government would complete an investigation into the alleged illegal occupancies and propose humanitarian solutions in two months.

Deputy Minister of National Defense Lee Hsi-ming (李喜明) said the average age of the veterans, many of whom were married after moving into the dormitories, is 89, and the ministry is inclined to allow their spouses to live in the housing to help care for their medical needs.

However, in cases where units are occupied solely by non-military personnel, the defense ministry would definitely evict them, Lee said.


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